Spyrer Hunting Party

The Upper class of Necromunda are here to clean the underhive of human refuse.

Why choose Spyrers?

Does the idea of only having to paint a couple of models excite you? Do you get power fantasies of wading through lesser opponents shrugging off shots as you take skulls? Are you really into the predator movie? Do you just hate the poor?

Then Spyrers might be for you, they have 5 “rigs” to choose from and they each have a unique load out and role to do.

What makes them different?

Low body count

No like really low! I expect to see Spyrer Gangs of 3-4 models tops.

The Spyrers don't have any gangers, every single model is a leader or champion. Its the ultimate elite gang.

Ultimate Loners (and psychos)

The Spyrers don't play well with others and so they don't get hangers on, hired guns or gain any alliances. The upside is they also don't break if one of their brothers/sisters/cousins take a las cannon to the face, the blood never bothered them anyway.

Decent stats 

Although they are still humans in their Strength and Toughness profiles (with the exception of the Orrus) they have great mental stats (ld7+ cl5+ wi6+ in6+) and depending on the suit exceptional BS or WS, 4+is the worst they start with and thats on a model that doesn't really have a shooting option.

Limited weapon options

Not only that but they can't be changed out as the campaign progresses until the downtime section and then it starts from scratch so if you have a tier 2 weapon and you swap it out for a different one its back to basics for you, in fact you can’t buy any equipment until the downtime section of the campaign after creation and the only way to get new members is with your terror levels. In addition to all of this you don't get credits for rewards from games and the only credits you can spend is on fixing the glitches from the Spyrers D66 table, changing equipment in downtime or buying a Caryatid Prime. IMO the most limiting factor of the Spyrers is their incredibly lacking starting choices and you had best hope you took the right things because you don't get to adjust much during the campaign.

Terror Levels

 Just in case you thought the Spyrers were supposed to be the “good guys” we have the Terror Level mechanic, if you manage to kill (OoA) at least 4 opposing models in a game you gain a level (to a max of 1), if you can kill (OoA) a model in the first turn you get another (to a max of 1) and finally for every champion or leader you “remove” you gain another per champion/leader model. Now, what do you get for scaring the brown out of the locals? Well once you get to a terror level of 5 you can give one of your Spyrers a Caryatid Prime for free, nice. Next at 10 you get an additional Spyrer suit worth up to 300 credits (including equipment), now at 15 if one if your Spyrers gets put into Convalescence they can still perform post-battle sequence, this is a bit of a flop as they only get 1 action to do in a normal campaign but maybe in the future there will be something else for them to do. To finish this section off at 20+ terror you get 400 credits to spend on another suit (Orrus time!)

Unique post battle action

To follow on from terror levels, if a Spyrer Hunting party wins a battle they can perform the “Terror purge” action. Basically if you win and have a Suit active you can give your entire gang an extra 2 EXP which is kinda nice.

Evolving equipment

Equipment evolves by how many “Out Of Actions” that model has caused. Rather than you buying new weapons or armour, you can upgrade your weapons and equipment by Augmentation tier making what you have more deadly, and the EXP you have gained can also be spent on new skills, we will go over these in more details later when we get into weapons and equipment.

Their own injury table

The suits don't take injuries like normal people (better healthcare and all that) and instead they gain “Glitches” which can be repaired by killing scummers like you and me. Violence isn't the answer for the Spyrers, its the question. The answer is yes!

So the Spyrers don't bleed like you and I, The Glitches can be cleared during down time for 100 credits to fully reset all of them as well as using the upgrades you get for killing opponents, but beware, if you get a number of glitches more than your toughness then your suit shuts down and you lose the model as well as all of its weapons and equipment.

Two activations

Due to their low number count the Spyrers get to go twice per round, this could be terrifying in the right circumstances. Imagine a suit running up to your group of Gangers and thinking “it's alright I can nuke it down with activations” for it to then re activate and slaughter everyone on their next go.

Can't be pinned (sort of)

Unless your suit suffers a wound or flesh wound then they are not pinned and prone. With built in armour and some of the suits (like the Orrus) getting decent field armour as well you can absorb bullets like a sponge and still charge into combat.

Fancy pancy weapons and armour

The Spyrers are not like the rest of us, they are a higher class (or so they tell me) so why would they have Plebeian equipment? No no no, that won't do and so they have their own wargear unavailable to the rest of us “unwashed masses”. There are 4 suits with their own unique equipment and the hunt masters Sovereign suit that can take bits off the others but I will do that last.


Orrus Hunting Rig - 4+ armour save and a 6+ field armour save, this can be upgraded using the augmentations to make the field armour 5+ at tier 1 and then 4+ at tier 2 meaning that a fully operational (deathstar) Orrus is always going to be saving on a 4+ regardless of gold plated lascannons. With a movement of 5 it's slow compared to the rest of the suits, but toughness 4 and 3 wounds goes a long way to mitigating this. At 350 credits base it's a bit on the chonky side for a starting list to me, however if you can get your terror level to 20+ and get 400 points of suit to claim this would be the first choice.

Power Talons - Strenth+,1 AP-3, D1 with the paired trait, these melee weapons are much more suited for cracking high armour, low wound models. This can be upgraded 3 times, first you give them the rending trait at tier 1, then its damage is increased to D2 for tier 2, finally at tier 3 you increase its strength to +2. This is ok but I think for the additional 50 credits I'd rather have…

Power Fists - Strength+2, Ap-1, D2 with the Paired and Power traits, these fists of fury are well worth the extra 50 credits in my opinion. With the augmentation upgrades you can get the pulverise trait at tier 1, increase the AP to -2 for tier 2 and finally a massive 3 damage at tier 3. 

Bolt launchers - Built into the melee weapons you get a ranged weapon, 8” short range and 20” long range (with a modifier to shooting of +1/-), strength 4, Ap-1, D1 and a 4+ ammo roll with sidearm and Rapid Fire 1 this just adds to the Orrus’ output and propelling it into more brute territory then champion. For Upgrades your bolt throwers initially get to damage 2 for tier 1 (making them a true bolter) then bump the AP to -2 and finally turn it into a squat weapon by giving them rapid fire 2 for tier 3.

Volkite discharges - A free “upgrade” with a short range of 5” and a long range of only 10” with no modifiers to accuracy the Volkite hits at strength 5, no AP, Damage 1 and a 6+ ammo roll you also get the sidearm and brand new deflagrate traits. Deflagrate means that if you cause a wound with this weapon then you score an extra hit, not amazing but something i guess. Now for upgrades you get initially the damage increased to 2 at Tier 1, then AP-1 at tier 2 and finally the long range is increased to 12”, I find this to be underwhelming and compared to the bolt launchers, I'd take the bolt launchers.

Disintegration Matrix - The Matrix is the 3rd and final ranged weapon the Orrus gets access to, for an additional 60 credits you get a 3”/12” range pistol with a -1 to hit at that long range, Strength 5, Ap-2, D2 with a 6+ ammo roll, sever, scarce, sidearm and unsable(!). If this weapon did not have unstable I would consider it as sever is an amazing trait and extra handy for the Spyrers claiming those sweet upgrades from OoA’s but unstable potentially killing the model ⅙ of the time and that's just moronic for a unit that costs 410 credits with this upgrade minimum. As for its augments it can remove Sever at tier 1, increase the AP to -3 at tier 2 and finally at tier 3 it increases its damage to 3.


Malcadon Hunting Rig - 5+ armour save and has a built in Grapnel launcher, Drop Rig and paired Web Incisors. That's what I call value for money costing 240 credits. It's not the most survivable with toughness 3 and a mid armour save but it is fairly quick at Movement 7 and has 2 wounds like most of the other “light” suits you should be able to get in and out of dodge easily enough. The upgrades to this rig are; BS or WS +1 at tier 1, do you want to lean into its melee or do you want the web Incisors to be more reliable? Personally pop it into WS and stay in melee where you belong. Finally at tier 2 you can increase its armour to a 4+ save. This Rig is a bit of a glass canon, yes its output is great but be careful not to overextend, if you do however you can always use the grapnel launcher or drop rig to get to a safer level like some sort of angry spider.

Paired Slashing claw - Strength of the user, Ap-2 and damage 1 melee attacks are not much to write home about but like the Power claw of the Orrus its alright against highly armoured low wound models. With upgrades it gains AP-3 at tier 1, Damage 2 at tier 2 which is very welcome, and finally +1 strength for tier 3. Given the next thing on the list is a free upgrade I'm not overly enthused about this.

Paired Toxic whip - Ah I do love my versatile weapons and a 2”(with -1 to hit outside of engagement range) AP-2 with Entangle,Toxin and Paired this is the secret sauce of the Malcadon. Guess what they can take in their equipment as well? That's right! The Chem Synth. This is the top pick for me for this rig, add on top that with its tier 1 upgrade you lose the -1 to hit at long range, gain shield breaker at tier 2 and finally the amazing “treat the toughness of your target as 1 less for the purpose of toxin trait this effect stacks with the chem synth” (!) Oh boy, I'm about to make a name for myself.

Paired Web incisors - An added bonus to the Malcador, it has a short range of 4” and a long of only 8” with no modifiers to hit, a  4+ ammo roll rapid fire 1, web and silent. I'm not saying you will be using this instead of melee but if you get pinned close to a target it could be handy backup. Its upgrades include, increasing the long range to 10” at tier 1, bumping the strength to 4 at tier 2 and finally increasing the long range again to 12”. Meh.


Jakara Hunting Rig - 5+ armour save and movement 6, on first glance its a bit of a let down compared to some of the other suits. It does however have WS 2+ and some nice equipment this is the suit that can get into combat and stay there (other then the Orrus) for 250 credits base. For upgrades it can increase its strength by 1 (above the usual limit) for tier 1 and add an additional attack as well at tier 2.

Mirror shield - The Mirror shield is an interesting one, on one side it has a ranged profile of 4”/8” and a -1 to hit at long range and ammo of 3+, energy shield and flash traits. Do I expect you to choose the flash attack over a charge? No. No matter how good flash can be it would be a waste of activation if you can get into combat instead. The big thing I like this for is that it's an energy shield, that adds +1/+2 to the front arch armour save, basically getting the suit to a 4+ against shooting and 3+ against melee fighters. Tier 1 upgrade allows the model to get a 6+ field armour save in its front arc as well meaning it always stands a chance to save. At tier 2 it increases the long range of the shields shooting profile to 12” which is something of nothing and finally at tier 3 you get a 5+ field armour save, which is great.

Monomolecular sword - Strength +1, Ap-2, damage 1 with parry and power, this is basically a standard power sword, not bad but nothing exciting. Tier 1 unlocks damage 2, tier 2 makes the AP-3 and finally tier 3 increases the strength to +2 which is nice and all but not very inspiring.

Naga blade - As a free upgrade you could take the Naga Blade instead. Boasting a 2” versatile range without any to hit modifiers, strength +2, AP-2, damage 1, Disarm and Parry this is the one for me. Add on top of that at tier 1 you add the shock trait, tier 2 the AP becomes -2 and finally at tier 3 you increase the damage to 3. I love this choice. The little Hoplite that can.


Yeld Hunting Rig - 5+ armour save (the standard for the light suits) but if you don't move in your activation, you are -1 to hit until your next activation. That's kinda nice. Now this suit has a movement of 7 as standard and a BS of 2+, this gives you an idea of its role. If you are to upgrade it you gain an additional +1 to movement at tier 1, then at tier 2 you gain the -1 to hit regardless if you have moved or not. I love this rig especially as its the cheapest at 220 credits base (excluding the hunt master), it might be my favourite especially as you also get…

Yeld Wings - That's right, the Underhive Air Force is here to punish you for your insurrection! You can freely move between levels, ignore terrain and you never fall. Now you still can't go through/over impassable terrain (obviously) but 7” of movement in any direction means you can swoop from above like an angry Australian Crow (the most vicious of all birds) and use their wings as melee weapons with the following profile Strength +1, AP -1 and 1 damage, its nothing to write home about. Now for upgrades, at tier 1 you give your wings the parry trait which is… alright, not that exciting, at tier 2 you increase the damage to 2 and finally at tier 3 you give them knockback. This could be fun for kicking people off the tall buildings but personally I love these for the flight, not its attacking profile.

Paired Laser gauntlet - Now the Yelds true calling, shooting. The Laser Gauntlets are basically a las gun with a range of 10”/20”, +1 to hit within its short range, strength 3, Ap-1, damage 1 hits and an ammo roll of 3+ with the plentiful trait and rapid fire 1, it's ok. With its upgrades you get AP-2 at tier 1, 24” long range at tier 2 and strength 4 at tier 3. Basically you get a hotshot las pack if you want.

Paired Missile gauntlet - My preferred weapon for the Yeld, the Missile Gauntlets have a longer range of 15”/30” with no modifiers, strength 5, no AP, damage 1, ammo roll of 4+ finally with Knockback and Rapid Fire 1, this is bang for your buck. At tier 1 you get a blip of AP which is something of nothing really, Tier 2 you get strength 6 shots and finally at tier 3 you gain bast 3” (on a rapid fire weapon!) and that is just perfect.

Hunt master

Sovereign Hunting Rig - 5+ armour and 6+ field armour, im saving the leader to last because the Sovereign suit can use the weapons / equipment of the other light Spyrer rigs (no Orrus kit unfortunately) just individually (no paired weapons). The movement of the hunt master is a little slower at movement 6 but in return you upgrade one item you pick to instantly tier up on creation. Tier 1 upgrades your field armour to 5+ and tier 2 increases your Strength +1. Not so bad. Now for equipment you can buy.

Weapons - 

  • Slashing claw, web incisors, drop rig and grapnel - 60 credits

  • Toxic whip, web incisors, drop rig and grapnel - 60 credits

  • Mirror shield - 60 credits

  • Mono sword - 50 credits

  • Naga blade - 50 credits

  • Laser gauntlet - 30 credits

  • Missile gauntlet - 30 credits

As you can see the equipment soon adds up but also should give your gang the tools it needs to face all foes. Go forth and make mad combinations, get in touch with me if you have any interesting ones that work well.

Caryatid Prime

This exotic beastie (and bane of Spamuels everywhere, go check out Underhive Lorekeepers podcast) sits at 90 credits and is similar to the psychic/chaos familiars.

Precognition allows the Caryatid to to avoid a hit on a 3+ with seemingly no limit to how many times a round you can do this, on top of that once per round you can re roll an ammo test and 1 armour save for the Spyrer its attached to as long as they are 3” or less apart. 

Finally they can fly and have a 6” movement so they should be able to keep up with nearly all the suits without bother.

Starting List

Best tool for the Job

The list I would take to see exactly what the Toffs can do, this uses every suit to its max and synergise together.

If your group uses tactics cards then you will need this list as a lot of the tactics require you to use them on specific suits.

Hunt Master - Toxic whip, web incisors, drop rig and grapnel, Missile Gauntlet- 290 credits

Hit and Run legend, the whip has a 2” versatile range and between that and the Missile Gauntlets you can probably take anything down fairly rapidly. Add the Iron Will skill so your Toffs are only checking for bottles if you loose 2 of them and you’re golden. This guy is lacking in survivability a little but they should be getting in, mincing their targets and getting out.

Yeld - Missile Gauntlets - 220

Get your Yeld down board and harry your opponent, you need to be pinning as many models as you can. With their amazing movement you should be using this bird man to gather objectives for scenarios that require it, take Hip shooting and dance around the opposition filling them with holes or Sprint to move 21” in 1 go.

Jakara - Naga Blade and Mirror Shield -250

This Model has probably the best armour save in the starting list thanks to its mirror shield sitting at a 4+armour against shooting and 3+ against melee from the front arc. I would pair this with infiltrate and use them to apply pressure early or Evade to make it harder to hit so you can rush up the board and get into combat asap, the Naga Blade has a 2” versatile range so it can do a deep charge to try and take out those opposing champions and get your terror level higher and claim the boons they bring.

Malcadon - Paired Toxic Whips, Paired web incisors, drop rig and grapnel launcher - 240

Another model to either have infiltrate on to back up the Jakara or you could go Rain of Blows and get the Malcadon in with its charge then activate it with your second activation and let those toxin whips doing what they do best.

Hawkmen… DIVE!

Possibly the Jankiest list I have built so far and possibly the least fun to play against, however it is strong. This list is designed to be quick and whittle your opponent down to nothing.

Hunt Master - Toxic whip, web incisors, drop rig and grapnel, Missile Gauntlet, bio booster, chem synth  - 340 credits

Similar to before, quick and deadly it uses the grapnel launcher and drop rig to play keep away with your opponent then missile gauntlet the melee problems and the toxic whip for the ranged threats. Engage on your terms, not theirs

3 Yeld - Missile gauntlets. - 660 credits

Fly high and shoot down, use your hefty movement to get up and safe, then rely on the -1 to hit and any cover to keep you safe while you nickel and dime anyone who tries to deal with it. Or dive about up and down keeping your opponent on their toes and unable to tell where the shots are coming from next, constantly chasing shadows.

Sprint, Hip shooting and Fast shot for variety and you have a pair of super quick bird boys and a solid shooting platform.

If you want to be mean, as the lovely ManOfWaaagh pointed out, you get high, voluntarily drop and use spring up to stand and shoot so you can't be shot… This list is nasty enough tbh, but food for thought.

Campaign Progression 

So the progression for the Spyrers is fairly limited. You don't gain credits from scenarios and can only buy equipment during the downtime stage (and you get your 250 credits the same as everyone else) as well as only being able to get new suits for increasing your terror levels.

For your first suit i'd consider adding another Yeld and as much equipment as you can fit and the second go Orrus with Bolt launchers and Power fist for bang on 400.

I would like the Spyrers to be able to gain credits in other ways for equipment but until I'm able to play test them more it's not a hill I would die on.

Final Thoughts and Thank you's

All in all I think Spyrers are not the overpowered boogie men people were making them out to be, certainly there is potential to be super strong but then most gangs I think have that now. I think the Hunting party will start off strong but as the other gangs boost their output the Spyrers may start falling behind unless they focus on raising their Terror Levels over winning games in the first half, giving the other gangs the chance to catch up a bit.

My final thought is I think Ogryn might be a decent counter to the Spyrers as they are hard to kill and early on they will really struggle against them.

As stated at the top of the page this Guide was sponsored by Craig Gale from the Necromunda Vehicle facebook group and I can't express my gratitude to Craig for this.

This whole project is fueled by you, the community, and we can’t thank you enough at Second Best.

Thanks for reading, 
