Helot Cults

Sounds of chanting and an eerie chill shudders your bones.

May the Gods Liberate you from the shackles of the Corpse Emperor.

Rise up and honour the true Gods!

Often looked down on in the Underhive the Helot gangs have the potential to be really competent if not down right brutal.

It's time we spoke about the Helot gangs hidden in the underhive.

What Makes Us Different?

So the Helot gangs draw some people into their midst, but what about them makes them stand out?

Well let's start with the generic benefits of aligning with the Primordial Chaos:


If you have to roll on the serious injury table and roll between 43-53 you roll an additional d6 and adding a +1 modifier if; The would was inflicted by another chaos aligned gang, the model in question is Demonically possessed (Spawn) or you all ready have a mutation and if you roll a 6 or higher you can change your injury to a mutation. 

The mutations are; 

Hungering Pride instead of Humiliated - The fighter must activate before any other fighters in their crew. If there is more than one fighter in the crew with this mutation, the controlling player may choose which one to activate first. Fighters with this mutation gain 1 additional Experience point if they take an enemy Leader or Champion Out of Action.

Dark Madness instead of Head Injury - The fighter must make an Intelligence check when they activate. If the test is failed, roll a D6 to determine their first action for this activation: 1-2 Move action, 3-4 Shoot or Fight action, 5-6 No action.

Bestial Senses instead of Eye Injury - The fighter cannot be included as part of a group activation, nor can they initiate a group activation if they are a Leader or Champion. The fighter counts as always being equipped with a bio-scanner.

Disturbing Appendage instead of Hand Injury - The fighter always counts as being equipped with a fighting knife which cannot be disarmed or destroyed. When using weapons with the Unwieldy trait, the fighter suffers a -1 modifier to their Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill rolls.

Warped Limbs instead of Hobbled - Reduce the fighter’s Move characteristic by 1. When the fighter makes a Charge action roll three D3, instead of one, and choose the highest to determine the distance they move.

Crooked Body  instead of Spinal Injury - Ranged attacks made against the fighter suffer a -1 modifier to hit while within the attacking weapon’s Long range. The fighter cannot wear armour of any kind – any armour they are currently equipped with may be returned to the gang’s Stash.

Twisted Flesh instead of Enfeebled - When the fighter activates, they may remove one Flesh Wound from their Fighter card. The fighter cannot benefit from bio-boosters, medicae kits or assistance from other fighters when making Recovery tests.

The mutations are a fun way of benefiting (depending on your definition) from long term injuries and provides you with some great modelling potential.

Dark Ritual

During the post battle sequence your Cult Demagogue can perform a Dark Ritual (ooohhh spooky), pick a fighter at random (removing the Demagogue and Witch from the selection) and then roll 2D6 and apply the following modifiers: 

  • +1 if the gang won this battle. 

  • +1 if the gang gained Reputation in this battle. 

  • +2 if the cult already has the favour of the god the ritual is invoking marked on their roster. 

  • +2 if the gang is sacrificing a Captive to fuel the ritual. 

  • -2 if the cult has the favour of a different god to the one the ritual is invoking marked on their roster. 

  • -1 if the gang lost this battle.

  • -1 if the gang lost Reputation in this battle

If the result is a 9+, congratulations! Your chosen god has bestowed you with their blessing and the model that was chosen for the ritual gains d6 experience, not bad.

If however you rolled two 1’s on the dice or if your result is 2 or less after modifiers, the chosen model gets warped into a Chaos Spawn and any favour you already had is gone.

Its good to note that you don't have to stick with one god the entire campaign, people often do as they can theme a gang around each god.

Favour of the Gods

So you have now gained the favour of your chosen god, but what have they done for you lately?

Again depending on who you chose there are options.

Khorne: Once per round, a single failed Wound roll can be re-rolled and your leader gains +1 attacks. Charge in with your murder blender and if an attack fails to wound you get to reroll it. Honestly as much as I love Khorne this is lacking compared to the other choices and although putting the extra attack on the leader is great its putting them at risk of not being able to do the ritual after the game.

Nurgle: Once per End phase, a single Recovery roll can be re-rolled and your leader has an additional wound. A game changer, once per round stops this from being overpowered but still really helpful. Nothing worse than getting your leader killed by accident from bleeding out and now you have a chance to keep them in the game as well as an extra wound to keep them tanky and upright. 

Slaanesh: Once per round, during the Activation phase, two fighters that are Ready can be picked and activated one after the other, rather than the usual one as well as giving your leader an extra 2” of movement. You could use this in conjunction with group activations to really front load your gang activations and get some damage in, this might be a controversial statement but I think this might be the strongest of the favours, the movement is nice but you will probably want to keep them with the rest of your goons for group activations.

Tzeentch: Once per round, a single fighter may ignore all negative modifiers when making a Shoot (Basic) or Shoot (Double) action and your leader gains a random Wyrd power. Make a super shooty champion with a decent weapon and every round they will be hitting without any negatives. You could easily get a model with a 2+ ballistic skill shooting something like a plasma cannon and deleting something every turn, on top of that you get a random wyrd power, and if you are playing with the universal wyrd powers (arbitrator willing) you can still pick the tree giving you a lot of choice and mitigating some of that randomness.

All these are not guaranteed, you need to stack the modifiers whenever possible, or you know just roll 6’s every time just to be safe, and remember it goes away after every game so you need to keep doing the ritual to keep the rewards.

Immune to Insanity

Helot cults are already as mad as a box of frogs and because of that their leadership cannot be subjected to the insane condition which is great…

However I'd like to say that if you were using a chaos corrupted house gang, all your fighters are immune to going insane, more bias towards the house gangs I guess. It is what it is.

This is a really handy trick to have as Insanity is considered one of the worst status effects to be subjected to in the game, although personally I think it's hilarious.

Well that's what the Chaos gangs have access to, now let us look at the fighters of the Helot cults.

Cult Demagogue

Sitting at 100 credits the Demagogue is well rounded with strength/ toughness 3, movement 5, 3+ Ballistic and Weapon skill, 2 wounds and attacks and an initiative of 3+, definitely nothing to underestimate. I love this, admittedly, broad stat line because you can mould them into whatever you need them to be.

The Demagogue has access to Ferocity, Cunning and Leadership as primary skills and Combat and Savant as secondaries, which again lends you options for composition. They get Devotion that lets the rest of the cult within 9” and line of sight use the Demagogues cool and Willpower (5+ and 6+ respectively) and boasts a 6+ leadership and 7+ intelligence.

Cult Disciple

Limited to a maximum of two on creation, the Disciple is also strength/ toughness 3, Weapon skill 4+, Ballistic skill 3+, 2 wounds, 4+ initiative and 1 attack. Initially the Disciple doesn’t spark inspiration however it is only 60 credits and has access to the same kills as the Demagogue but with Leadership being Secondary you can see that they start to make a decent addition.

Remember just because you are limited on creation to a maximum of 2 Disciples once the first game is completed you are open up to having as many as you want (keeping in mind hierarchy can't outnumber gangers).

Cult Witch

The secret sauce to the Helot Cults gang, although you are limited to a single Witch in your list they are handy tools to have. Sure you are lacking in melee or shooting with WS/BS 5+ the standard strength/ toughness 3, 2 wounds, 1 attack,  initiative 4+ and limited to pistols and close combat weapons you could look again at this champ and wonder why you should bother?

The Skills you can take are Savant and Wyrd Powers as primary and Combat, Cunning and ferocity for secondaries, all for 70 credits. If you don't know why I love this champion, know that you can tailor your Witch through their powers to add to the theme you have chosen for your gang so easily, and if your group use the universal Wyrd powers then you can really push the boat out.

Helot Cultist

The lowly Cultist is 35 credits, movement 5, WS/BS 4+, strength/toughness 3, 1 wound, 1 attack and an initiative 4+, fairly standard across the board and the mental stats follow this suit (9,7,7,8) these are mostly used as chaff and filler just like most gangers. You can promote one on creation to a specialist who then gains access to special weapons.

Chaos Spawn

If you roll a double 1 on the dark ritual or if after modifiers you get lower then a 2 (yes you can get into minus numbers if things go really wrong) then the model which is the focus of the ceremony becomes a Chaos Spawn. The model basically dies and is replaced, losing any equipment, wargear or weapons they had and itself is worth 130 credits for the purpose of determining your gang rating regardless of the following rolls. The first thing you need to do is determine what stats it has, it has D6 movement every turn then you roll a D6 on creation for each of its stats.


1 5+ 3 4 1 5+ 1

2-5 4+ 4 5 2 4+ 2

6 3+ 5 6 3 3+ 3

So worst case you are getting a slightly tougher ganger and best case you are getting a beefed up Ogryn. This is great if you are sacrificing a Cultist but less great if your super duper Champion gets picked and then you roll 1’s for everything.

It's important to note that although you can't give them equipment you do gain the favour of the gods. Each god gives the Chaos Spawn its own buff, If you are aligned with Khorne you get an extra +1 Strength, Nurgle grants +1 to Toughness, Slaanesh is +2 to movement (which is amazingly good on a random D6 mover) and Tzeentch gives it a 4+ save which is nothing to sniff at either.

Lastly we will go over the Chaos Spawns special rules, Firstly it can’t be pinned (outside of seismic which always works) nor can it gain flesh wounds or be seriously injured, the only way to take this beast out is by rolling a Skull. If your opponent does manage to Skull your Spawn, fear not because it doesn't take lasting injuries and is just restrained ready for the next game.

Next the only actions a Chaos Spawn can make are Move, Charge, Fight and Coup de Grace. It cannot use weapons or equipment of any kind. Any Cool or Willpower checks made for a Chaos Spawn automatically pass, but any Leadership or Intelligence checks automatically fail. Note that RAW that means that if it's pinned it can't get back up, but that's because they didn't account for Seismic trait, the Spawn absolutely should be allowed to get back up.

Finally, can you restrain the Beast? During the wrap up stage of the post battle sequence, pick 3 Cultists to attempt to subdue and restrain the Spawn (that haven't already been put out of action or seriously injured) and roll a D6 for all 3, if you get a 4+ for any of them then bam! Spawn restrained but if you fail all 3 then off it runs into the darkest depths of the underhive, on top of that if any of your cultists roll a 1 then they instantly roll on the D66 table. Always make sure you have a few cultists spare.

Chaos Familiar

If you have read the GSC guide already you will know that familiars are rather good, the chaos one is no exception. For 25 credits, if you are within 3” of the familiar, you can evade a single passing hit roll per round on a successful willpower check (and with a Willpower fo 6+ thats fairly easy to do), re roll a failed willpower check to manifest a wyrd power and it comes with a 3+ unmodifiable save against attacks directed at it. Unlike the Psychic Familiar of the GSC you can only(!) take 2 of these per model but it is still incredibly strong. Pop one of these on your Witch and Leader ASAP and they will be really difficult to kill.

Discounted Weapons

The Helot Cults get the benefit of some weapon discounts, and they are nothing to stick your nose up at. Grenade launchers, demo charges, hand flamer and flamer are all cheaper and that many template weapons makes for a powerful gang. Standard Flamers are generally not my favourite as hand flamers are more efficient for nearly half the cost, but still nice to have.

Cult Wyrd Powers

Pyromancy– Scouring (Basic): For as long as this Wyrd Power is maintained, the Cult Witch counts as being armed with a Strength 2, damage 1 flamer. What's not to love? Its basically a free Hand Flamer

Telekinesis– Levitation (Basic), Continuous Effect: For as long as this Wyrd Power is maintained, the Cult Witch’s Movement is increased by 3" and they ignore all terrain, may move freely between levels without restriction, and can never fall. They may not, however, ignore impassable terrain or walls and may not end their movement with their base overlapping an obstacle or another fighter’s base. Furthermore, they cannot be Pinned and this ability does not affect lines of sight or the use of cover. Really good for movement and keeping out of trouble. Or getting into trouble with your flame templates.

Biomancy– Warp Strength (Simple), Continuous Effect: For as long as this Wyrd Power is maintained, the Cult Witch’s Strength is increased by 2, and the Damage of any close combat attacks they make is increased by 1. If the Witch didn't have such poor Weapon Skill i would love this, unfortunately you would need to invest heavily into Weapon Skill or Attacks for this to be as good as a lot of the other powers in this list.

Telekinesis– Dark Shield (Simple): Until the End phase of this round, add 1 to the result of any save rolls made for the Cult Witch and any other fighters from their gang within 3" of them (if they do not have a save roll, they gain a 6+ save). Really helpful if you have already invested in some armour but I think it gets outclassed fairly quickly as the campaign progresses and more AP weapons become the norm.

Telepathy– Maddening Visions (Basic): Until the End phase of this round, make a Willpower check for any enemy fighter who ends their turn within 3" of the Cult Witch. If the check is failed, the fighter is driven temporarily insane– this can be marked by placing an Insanity marker on their Fighter card. This really depends on your relationship with Insanity, personally I love it and think its hilarious but I know a LOT of people disagree with me. If you do go for this objectively strong power maybe don’t bring any other insanity causing weapons or skills.

Telekinesis– Assail (Basic): Immediately make a ranged attack against an enemy fighter within 12" and line of sight. If hit, move the target D3" in any direction– if they were Standing, they become Prone and Pinned after moving. If they come into base contact with a Standing fighter or any terrain, they stop moving and suffer a Strength 3, Damage 1 hit. If they come into base contact with another fighter, that fighter also suffers a Strength 3, Damage 1 hit, and becomes Prone and Pinned. The Witch has a Ballistic Skill of 5+, you are going to need to invest in advancements to make this power worth taking. But  if you were to roll it randomly on say a Tzeentch leader… game changer. Enjoy throwing people off high walkways.

All in all the Cult Wyrd Powers are pretty decent all round. The thing that lets them down is the synergy with the Witch, if you can mitigate that at all then you are laughing.

Starting Lists

So I was going to do a starting list for each God but the options are kinda limited on creation, with that in mind I am going to do a couple and use the campaign progression section to build flavour.

Who needs hit dice? - 995/960 credits

Demagogue with Grenade Launcher, Mesh armour and Chaos Familiar - 195 credits

Iron Will to keep the cult fighting for as long as you can or Mentor if you want to gain exp quickly on your guys. The Grenade Launcher is there to place hold until you can get them a better weapon or you want to focus on a weakness developing in your campaign meta.

Disciple with Grenade Launcher and Mesh - 130 credits

Overwatch to put fear into your opponents getting too close.

Disciple with Grenade Launcher and Chaos Familiar - 140 credits

Evade to keep them even safer, this guy will have a 6+ save after its familiar save which is super tanky. Invest in armour from the trading post like Armourweave and ablative armour and you are laughing at shots coming in at this model.

Witch with Hand Flamer and Chaos Familiar - 165 credits

Add Levitation from the Chaos Wyrd Powers list and you have a flame template and you can stay/get out of trouble by flying on top of gangways and other structures until it's time for you to attack, and let's be honest, it doesn't matter if your BS is 5+ when there are template weapons.

Cult Specialist with Grenade launcher - 90 credits

Just a cultist with a boom tube, are you seeing a pattern yet?

4 Cultists with Las/Autogun/Axe and stub gun - 50 credits each

Chaff for the chaff god, mix and match and depending on which hanger on you take you can add in flails or autopistols on the melee guys until you fill your credits quota.

Bullet Merchant - 75 credits (if you aren't playing with the outlaw/lawful rules) or Scabber - 40 credits (if you are).

Get your launchers some new and interesting ammo types or make trading post visits cheaper.

As you can see I have leaned heavily into templates for this build. Launchers are cheap and effective weapons that should (hopefully) net you enough credits and exp to buy bigger and better things going forward. This list is spammy and so is not everyone’s cup of tea, but remember this is just an example of what you can do, build on it, see where it takes you.

Blooded Box

So there isn’t really a good kit to use for the Helot cultists, my initial thought was the cultist box, but all that comes with is pistols and melee weapons.

But then I remembered the Blooded Kill Team box and thought “that will do” so here is how I think it can be brought into Necromunda without much work.

Demagogue with Lasgun and Mesh armour  - 130 Credits

Overseer to keep your Grenade launcher shooting or get a decisive charge in when needed

Disciple with Long Rifle and Mesh - 130 credits

Overwatch again to keep those melee threats down and allow you to counter charge.

Disciple with Flamer and Mesh - 140 credits

I much prefer the hand flamer to the normal one but I am limited to what's in the box, so big flamer it is. Comes with infiltrate to try and get close enough to use the template and wrack up the kills.

Mutated Ogryn with Furnace plates, Power Maul and Horrific Appendages - 275 credits

What no Witch? Well there isn't one in the box so I have swapped out for the very thematic Mutated Ogryn. And why wouldn’t I? The best friend a cultist can get, this bug guy will provide a lot of melee threat and soak up shots in the early game.

Cult Specialist with Grenade launcher - 90 credits

Used with your leader to take advantage of overseer if he doesn't need to use it on anyone else. The specialist doesn’t need its BS much because they will be laying down templates as much as they can to pin your opposition.

3 Cultists with Las/Autogun/Axe and stub gun - 50 credits each

More chaff to keep your champs safe and to back up the big lad.

1 Cultist with axe - 45 credits

Just to fill the rosta.

This isn't as powerful as the templates list in my opinion, but is much easier to put together. I like the Blooded Kill team and I enjoy getting Ogryn brutes into lists, as they come together in one box, why not have some fun?

Campaign Progression


If you are wanting to follow a specific god then it's easy to flavour your gang going forward.

First thing you can do is choose thematic Wyrd powers from the chaos powers list, pick equipment and weapons that suit each god and then its a matter of getting the right models for the job.


Witch Power - Dark Shield, make it even harder to kill your guys by increasing the armour save of every model near by by 1

Equipment/Wargear - Armour, Bio-booster Ablative armour, anything you can to make your gang harder and harder to kill. You don't need to be killing as much as you need to be unkillable.


Witch Power - Any really, I like Assail as its basically another Flamer, but maybe maddening visions is more your speed as you fill the minds of your foes with images of depravity and perfection.

Equipment/Wargear - Chems, Needle rifles, whips. Get your opponent addicted to Obscure, it's what the Princess of Excess demands of you.


Witch Power - Any Power is got for Tzeentch as its all winds of change, however Levitate would mean you can use the Sorcerer on Disc and that is a cool model so maybe do that.

Equipment/Wargear - Cursed weapons are a must, make everyone insane as quick as you can.


Witch Power - Warp Strength, not a good power at all on a 5+ to hit model but if you give them a flail for the +1 to hit and with warp strength you are hitting at strength 5 and damage 2.

Equipment/Wargear - Chain weapons. Buy the Jackal kit and run an entirely melee Gang. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


I have done an in depth rundown of all these brutes before on my original guide the Free Ogryn guide, so if you want a more in depth look head over there. But for now a quick look into what I think are the most thematic Brutes.

Scrapcode Corrupted Ambot - 220 base

This could be a really interesting addition to a gang that wants to lean into tech heresy and theme themselves around Vashtor from 40k.

Movement 4, Weapon skill 3+, Ballistic skill 5+, Strength/Toughness 5, Initiative 5+, 3 attacks with Berserker and Nerves of Steel. The Scracode Corrupted Ambot is a beast (as you would expect from an Ambot), it has the standard Tunnelling Claws and Light Carapace with the option to take a Grav-Fist (+90 credits), Heavy Carapace (+55 credits) and Armour Spikes (+15 credits for a single S1, damage 1 auto hitting attack? I'm not sure its worth it) I would personally keep this as base and push it forward ASAP. there are a couple of downsides to this corrupted murder machine, firstly all the Scrapcode Corrupted Ambots attacks (and there can be a lot of attacks coming out of this beast, 3 standard +1 for 2 weapons +1 for the charge +1 for berserker = 6 strength 5, AP-1, Damage 2) gain the Reckless trait meaning you aren’t always hitting the one model you want it to, and that is included on the melta pistol portion of the weapon profile. On top of that if the Ambot takes a model out of action or seriously injures one then it rolls a D6, on a 1 it becomes insane, this can put a lot of people off and I think it wouldn't be as bad a problem if it had infiltrate like the standard Ambot as you could infiltrate it in and make it your opponents problem. Also be aware, if your opponent captures the Ambot and are outlaws, they can claim it for themselves providing they have the reputation for it.

Mutated Ogryn - 210 base

A very thematic choice and it comes with the Blooded Kill team (as I have said one of the better kits for starting a Helot Gang) so why not add one into your list at some point. I would definitely get the Horrific Appendage for +20 credits and Furnace plates for +15 credits but the Power Maul is up to you. A solid choice for any theme for a melee Brute.

Warp Horror - 210 base

I would say that this is the end game goal for every Helot gang surely? A Warp Horror is fairly quick with a movement of 6”, has a Weapon skill of 3+, Ballistic skill of 6+, Strength 6(!), toughness 4, 3 wounds and attacks and an initiative of 4+. It comes with Nerves of Steel as standard and its Cool is 6+ so its likely to stay up and ready to charge.

It can replace a Horrific Appendage with a Massive Tentacle for +50 credits each and that makes you hit at strength 7 from 4” away with the Drag and entangle traits. That is amazing! On top of that for +90 credits you can give them Warpfire breath, which is a strength 3 flamer. Its a nice addition but I'm not sure its worth an additional 90 credits when you compare it to the Massive Tentacle.

For 40 credits you could also buy Undulating Skin, all damage per hit is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1. Well worth it as you don’t get armour 

For special rules you get:

Warp Denizen - in the end phase of each round roll 2d6, if the result is lower then the current game round then this model takes a flesh wound, but in return you ignore all lasting injuries but memorable death on the d66 table. Not bad at all, it sort of gives you a timer on finishing the game but it shouldn't come up too much.

Terrifying - if an enemy wishes to make a fight or shoot action targeting this monstrosity they must make a willpower check, if they succeed they can continue, but if they fail then they can not perform that action and their activation immediately ends as they pee themselves at your horrific visage.

Hangers on

Again I wont talk about all the options for the outlaw Hangers on, but you can find them here.

Heretek - 40 Credits

At then end of the pre battle sequence select one fighter from your crew and give one weapon they have either the Blaze, Concussion, Power, Rad-Phage or Shock trait in return for that weapon having the Unstable trait or Reckless if it has a melee profile. If you are leaning into the Tech Heresy side of the Cults then this is a no brainer. If not, it's still a powerful choice. Give your specialist with Grenade Launcher Blaze or Concussion, if it explodes then so be it! They will go out in a blaze of Heretical glory.

Scabber - 40 credits

An extra trade action and reduced cost on one item by 20 credits to a minimum of 5 credits. Super useful in general, with Savant being primary on your Witch and Secondary on everyone else its not that big a deal, but handy to have all the same. Get one early and replace them for a Brute later on.



Slaaneshi boon, cult icon and a minimum of 6 models.

The Slaaneshi boon allows you to activate 2 models in sequence before your opponent, rather than 1. So you can activate your leader, then group activate 2 more models, once they have all gone it's still your turn so you activate your champion with cult icon, group activating 2 more of your gang and allowing you to activate 6 models in total before your opponent can retaliate.

If you did this with my “Who needs hit dice” list you could be dropping 3 grenade templates, 2 flame templates and another shot or charge. It's brutal but make sure you do enough damage because your opponent will get a lot of activations at the end of the round as you run out of activations. Make it worthwhile.

Grandfather’s Blessing

Leader with Grenade launcher, Choke Gas ammo, Hazard suit, ablative armour, ceremite shield and Bio-Booster.

Slow but immune to blaze, firing off toxin 3” blast markers with a 2+ armour initially, down to 3+ then 4+ from the front but rolling 1 less injury dice then re rolling in the recovery stage and an extra wound? Yup that's going to be a bugger to take out.

Just as Planned

Tzeentch boon makes you have 2 wyrds to begin with then your Disciple gets a Heavy Weapon, Mono Sight and the boon means you are hitting on 2’s with aim and cant be affected by negative modifiers. Can be done with any heavy weapon without fear so pick your favourite one and start blasting away.

Final Thoughts

I have really enjoyed playing the Helot Cults, I think that they are massively under utilised by some people and if you play to their strengths then they can get some early wins in and make use of the trading post to make sure they stay at the top of the leaderboard.

My main criticisms are:

A lack of official models that you can use to make the lists, if you don't have a lot of bits already it can be really difficult and costly to build up a Helot gang.

Khornate Helot gangs seem to be lacking in flavour and option. Other than the chain sword if you want to build a Khorne aligned Helot list you are really limited and they are sub par at best, my controversial take away (that breaks my heart to say) is if you want to go Khorne then look at the Corpse Grinder Cults instead.

All said and done, the Helots are a converter's dream with some seriously strong mechanics and flavorful modelling options.


I hope this helps all you heretics and devotees of the Dark Gods.

Remember we are community lead and in it for the love of the game, but if you want to contribute or send corrections, ideas or compliments then check out our Patreon, Ko-FI or email us at seconestguides@gmail.com.

Thank you for reading,
