Malstrain Genestealer gangs

For the Brood!

My Brood before all! The Second Sons will rise again! For the Brood, for the Patriarch!

What makes Malstrains different?

First of all let's get this bit out of the way, Pure Malstrain Gangs are not meant to be played in “normal” campaigns and were specifically designed for the “Underhells” campaign. I, respectfully, have taken this on board and ignored it. I fully intend this guide to work in all campaign settings and will be working on that assumption.

Now thats out of the way, let us look at their Ganger options:

Malstrain Genestealer 270 credits - A champion with movement of 6” a strength and toughness 4, 3 wounds and an initiative of 3+, these guys are fast and strong (and for 270 credits you would hope so) but that's not where it ends, its mental stats are LD 7+ CL 4+ WP 6+ and IN10+ which is superb, who needs intelligence anyway? The Malstrain Genestealer is a melee only Xenos monstrosity, starting with a WS of 3+ they get 3 attacks as standard with their 2 weapons, razor-sharp claws and a venomous bite that gives you 5 attacks on the charge. The razor-sharp claws are S+1, AP-1 and damage 2 with the Rending trait (wound rolls of 6 increase the damage by 1). The venomous bite is a toxin weapon with AP-2 which is nothing to sniff at, both together is terrifying to be on the wrong end of.

Now for the other bits. You cant do any post battle actions with the Malstrain Genestealer, and that sucks, but thematically it does make sense.

Now for the really good bit, the Malstrain Genestealer starts its life with 4(!) skills and have access to Combat and Ferocity as Primaries and Agility and Cunning at secondaries. The skills they start with are:

  • Evade

  • Dodge

  • Nerves of Steal

  • Rain of Blows

That's amazing, you are -1 to be hit even in the open at minimum, have a 6+ save that can't be modified to just avoid the damage (then your armour), has a chance to avoid being pinned against its amazing Cool and finally if you get charged by a mob you get 2 attack actions to retaliate (3 attacks +1 for 2 weapons times 2 for 8 attacks) half of those will be ap-2 and 2 damage and the other half will be toxin with AP-2, that's not a champion, that's a blender.

As standard the Malstrain Genestealer also has Mesh armour for a 5+ save and a Bio-Booster to keep them in the game, you can also buy up to 2 Malstrain Tyramites but more on them later. Yes 270 credits is a lot of money, but damn! You get your money's worth.

Malstrain Coalescence 155 credits - Do you like body horror? If yes then good, you might want one of these. The Coalescence is a champion and un-sanctioned psyker that has access to its own Wyrd Powers list which would give you the impression that they might be more of a support piece, but then you look at what it can do. Starting with its 5” of movement, it can also fly and so moves between levels without restrictions and can't fall off the edge of high structures. I love this, models that can fly have so much more tactical options then those chumps stuck on Necro-firma. The mental stats are LD 7+, CL 6+, WP 6+, IN 7+ and finally a strength of 3, toughness 4, 2 wounds and 3 attacks on a WS 4+ they can hold their own using their feeder tendrils (S+1, AP-1 and damage 2 with entangle).

Unfortunately no free skills for the Coalescence (except fly I guess) but they do get access to Cunning and the Malstrain Power list as primary and Combat and Ferocity as secondaries they get access to some lovely skills.

Finally, just like the Malstrain Genestealer, the Coalescence comes with some baked-in equipment, Flak armour (6+ save, 5+ against blast/template weapons) and can buy 0-2 Tyramites (wait for it).

The Coalescence is an acceptable fighter for the early game and has some great mental stats for its Powers, it can do a bit of most things, except post battle actions. I would be getting this fighter Infiltrate ASAP and power bombing your opponent and then flying away.

Brood Scum 30 credits - Basically a Hive scum, it has all the same stats and can access common weapons, armour and equipment. These guys are to pad out your rosta and are nothing exciting, but they are fairly cheap and, unlike hive scum usually, can gain exp and become specialists.

  • During the course of a campaign, both Malstrain Brood Scum and Malstrain Specialists may be given additional weapons and Wargear purchased from this list and from the Trading Post.

  •  A Malstrain Brood Scum may only be equipped with weapons chosen from the Basic Weapons, Pistols and Close Combat Weapons sections of this list and the Trading Post.

  • Once promoted, a Malstrain Specialist may only be equipped with weapons chosen from the Basic Weapons, Pistols, Close Combat Weapons and Special Weapons sections of this list and the Trading Post.

The lack of trading post actions innate into this list (more on how to get round that later) means that your specialist only really gains access to the Long Las without help but its worth knowing.

Tyramites 70 credits - The Tyramites are basically the malstrains approach to Exotic Beasts, they have a bio-booster and flak armour built in to their cost, can fly (and cant fall off anything) and move 7” which I'm sure I don't need to tell you is huge. The Tyramite also has WS 4+ and a single attack as standard with its stinger that is AP-2 and Rad-Phage and Toxin, which is an unusual combination that in theory could be spicy. They are Strength 3 (not that it matters) and Toughness 2, which is pants, but comes with the Dodge skill as standard. Mostly I would be lookin at these to keep your Coalescence safe and dive bomb models from a high place.

If you manage to gain the experience to make these a specialist and want to pick skills, you have access to agility as primary and cunning as secondary, this is an odd choice as in agility you can only use half of the options and really only 2 in cunning. Very odd.

Malstrain Wyrd Powers - The Coalescence can take Wrd powers from their own unique list, there are 6 options to choose from and some are better than others;

Catalyst (Basic, Continuous) - While this power is active any friendly model within 12” that is taken out of action can make a fight or shoot action before being taken off the board. To me this has its place but im less inclined to take a power that requires me to be losing my models. You can create a list around this that is similar to the Cawdor “Drown them in bodies” tactic but its not something that any gang can use.

Hypnotic Gaze (Double) - Target an enemy in 9” and make them lose their activation marker. This requires them to be standing and active so it seems strangely situational but i think this is a great power. If you can get close enough with some bodyguards you could “stun” a guy and beat them to death, or just make them redundant while your guys deal with something else.

The Horror (Basic) - Target an enemy model in 12” and they must take a nerve test. Against low cool gangs this could be amazing, against something like Goliath or Ogryn it's functionally useless.

Leech Essence (Basic) - Target an enemy fighter in 12”, they take a S3, AP-1 damage 1 hit. If you manage to cause a wound you can regenerate a wound or flesh wound of your own. Interestingly it doesn’t say you need to make a ranged attack, you manifest it and they take a s3 hit. That's not terrible, its not and auto include but if you got one at random this wouldnt be an upset.

Paroxysm (Basic, Continuous) - Target and enemy within 9” and while this power is maintained and active the target sets its WS and BS to 6+. Possibly my favourite power in the bunch, nothing says you need to keep line of sight once it casts, or stay within 9”, so manifest then run and your enemies power piece now cant hit the broad side of a barn.

Aura of Despair (Basic, Continuous) - While this power is maintained all enemy models within 12” have a -1 to their cool stat. This could be paired with “The Horror” for a nice “Fear Bomb” but again is dependent on who you are up against.

Only common items from trading post - Because champions and leader can't search for rare equipment, or take any other post battle actions. Luckily you can still buy common items from the Trading Post with any ganger and giant rats are common which can be super helpful. Unless you get a Scabber! The Scabber can make a trading post action providing that they are looking at the Black Market. Im not sure how this interacts now both markets are combined but if you want to keep it safe then you can just buy Illegal weapons and wargear.

Starting gangs

There may be limited options for the Malstrain gangs but here we have what I consider to be the 3 main options for starting lists.

Talon and Shot - 990 credits

Malstrain Genestealer Leader, 2 Malstrain Genestealer Champions - 810 credits

4 Brood Scum - 45 credits each with either Lasguns, Autoguns or Sawn-off shotguns.

Rush your MGS forward supported by some Scum, you can give them sawn offs (if you want to get close), autoguns or lasguns for 45 credits total per model, or why not take a mix? Dealers choice.

This is a charge first and think later list, you put your murder blenders into the enemy as soon as possible and the brood scum provide covering fire and act as meat shields to deliver the Genestealers into combat.

Best of the Brood - 1000 Credits

1 Coalesce leader - 155 credits

2 Malstrain Genestealers - 540 credits

5 Brood Scum with las/auto/sawn-off - 225 credits (45 each)

1 Brood Scum with two stub guns - 40 credits 

1 Scabber - 40

Coalesce leader takes Catalyst and supports the Brood Scum and counter charge if needed, trying to drown the enemy in shots.You could aso pick Paroxysm or Hypnotic Gaze to shut down key enemies instead. The Malstrain Genestealers then get close and personal to murder-blend your opponent, finally Scabber let's you buy off the trading post. 

Shadow in the Warp - 1000 credits

3 Coalesce, 1 leader and 2 champions - 465 credits (155 each)

1 Malstrain Genestealer - 270 credits

5 Brood Scum mix of las/auto/sawn-off - 225 credits

Scabber or 1 Brood Scum with two stub guns - 40 credits

The Coalescences take Paroxysm, Hypnotic Gaze and Catalyst The Paroxysm and Hypnotic Gaze champs focus on neutralising key figures in your opponents gang and then fly high and stay safe while the Leader with Catalyst supports the Brood Scum to push the centre with the Genestealer does what it does and gets into melee.

This is the strategists list for people who like to feel like Tzneentch and everything goes “Just as planned”.

Campaign Progression 

So where do you go after game one? Well if you haven’t already I would get a Scabber so you have access to more of the trading post then just common items.

Then I would be looking towards getting enough Brood Scum to get your list to 10 fighters to keep your champions safe if any of your chaff gets D66’d.

More MGS all the time if you want output and haven't already got enough champions.

Coalesce are the only model I would consider getting Tyramites for toxin attack and support, especially if you go the infiltrating route. Pair Paroxysm and these floating testices to make your target hit like a wet fish and then sting it to death.

Keep 100 credits to petition alpha MGS for those really difficult games, really good early on again to get you that lead you need.

Final Thoughts and Thanks

They say it isn't supposed to work outside of Under-Hells but using a Scabber to access the trading post, and if you wanted to bring them in line with the other gangs then a specialist on creation, would be enough to make them hold their own. If not, dominate the early game. Fun to play the Horror in the dark regardless of being in the Under-Hells or in the Hive.

Although the Malstrains are limited in choice, what they have is worth having. MGS are murder-blenders, Coalesce are useful for their fly and powers (even better if you open up the universal powers lists), Brood Scum are chaff (but flavourful) and Tyramites are nowhere near as bad as I originally thought and might actually be decent if you use them right.

Again I would like to thank Craig Gale from the Necromunda Vehicle Facebook page for donating to get this Guide completed. Craig you are a hero and on behalf of the community thank you for your support.

If you want to support the Second Best Guides then why not look to our Patreon or Ko-Fi, every little bit goes back into the project.

Thanks for reading, 
